Response guidelines for local governments

COVID Translate Team

Response guidelines

한국어 (Korean 🇰🇷)
English (English 🇺🇸)
Română (Romanian 🇷🇴)
Русский (Russian 🇷🇺)
Italiano (Italian 🇮🇹)
Español (Spanish 🇪🇸)
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian 🇮🇩)

Appendix to the guidelines

한국어 (Korean 🇰🇷)
English (English 🇺🇸)
Русский (Russian 🇷🇺)
Italiano (Italian 🇮🇹)
Español (Spanish 🇪🇸)
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian 🇮🇩)

Amendments (7-4)

English (English 🇺🇸)
English (English 🇺🇸) - Appendix
Español (Spanish 🇪🇸)


English (English 🇺🇸)

Notes on the translation

This is an unofficial translation of a document from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) titled "코로나바이러스감염증-19 대응 지침 (지자체용) 7-3". Our version (i.e. v1.0) corresponds to version 7-3 of this document. The original 7-3 document in Korean has since been updated and replaced with a newer version. To view the original 7-3 version, click here.

This translation is a product of a team of volunteers working around the clock, who hope that the information will be useful to governments around the world as they devise their battle plans against COVID-19.

The version 1.0 uploaded here is an update to the previous version (v0.9) after careful review by our editorial teams. We hope that this document will be a helpful reference to those who are seeking in-depth information on how to respond to this unprecendented crisis.

Last updated on 6/28/2020 6:30:00 PM